The Users Certifications page has received a standardization update, a new menu for Site Managers, and read only options for additional user types.
Standardization Improvements Include:
- Look and feel
- Pagination
- Table sorting
- Improved filters
- Saved search feature
- Export to Excel, CSV, and HTML file formats
Added to Site Manager Users Menu
For ease of access, User Certifications is now a Users menu item available to Site Managers. It is still available in its original location on the Certification page in the Resources menu.
New Read Only Format
This page is now available as read only format to the following user types:
- User Group Managers (user type 5)
- Campus Managers (user type 6)
- Campus Admins (user type 13)
If you would like to enable this page for one or more user types listed above, please enter an SRS ticket to request the feature.