Participant File Uploads

We have developed new functionality that allows Participants to upload, view, and delete their own files when needed. In a situation where a registered user may need to provide proof that they have received previous training, they can now upload whatever documentation may be required.

Update Details

Affected Accounts

  • Participants (entity_type 1)


Participant File Uploads

Participants now have the ability to upload their own Supplemental Training records.  In scenarios where a student must provide supporting materials to show they meet course requirements for enrollment, the student can upload documents for approval by an Instructor.

Sample Use Case:

  • Jane Doe is a registered user on the LMS and has one enrolled Course. Jane Doe could have self-registered via Ecommerce purchase, or was provided an Access Code, or was added by an administrator.
  • Jane Doe uploads their “Proof of Training” file to the enrolled Course and clicks Approve Now.
  • Jane Doe’s manager, Mary Smith gets a notification of file uploaded by Jane Doe.
  • Mary Smith logs into Informetica, finds the Course, reviews Jane Doe’s “Proof of Training” file and completes Jane Doe’s course.
  • Mary Smith manually enrolls Jane Doe into additional courseware.
  • Jane Doe gets an enrollment email from LMS, and gets to login and consume.

The Instructor will be able to review Participants who have submitted their files, and leverage the Grading Completion Rules by entering a
passing grade value to “Complete” the asset. This would therefore also trigger any completion rules associated with products,
apply earned certifications, and show as complete on any transcripts and reports.