Automated Email Alerts
Informetica offers a number of automated e-mails alerts that allow you to customize e-mail messages to your learners based on system activity.
Calendar and Events
Items with due dates, such as assignments, modules and tests, are automatically added to the learner's calendar and events notification based on the due date. Events can also be scheduled by instructors or managers and sent out to learner calendars/events.
Electronic Affidavits
Affidavits provide you with a legal means of proving compliance or track learner acknowledgement of materials comprehension. The system keeps an historical snapshot of user affidavit activity, including acceptance or rejected.
Forums and Chat
Informetica offers both course specific message boards and live chat capabilities. Moderators for forums can be assigned from any of the users. Live chat needs someone online to respond to inquiries.
Download a complete list Informetica's capabilities and user privileges